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Performance comparison of listed companies in the field of powder coatings

Performance comparison of listed companies in the field of powder coatings

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2020-12-16 14:43
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(Summary description) As domestic environmental protection policies become more and more stringent, the development space of the solvent-based coating industry is getting smaller and smaller, and many coating companies are gradually entering the powder coating industry, so how much profit space does the powder coating industry have? Is there no environmental protection problem in the powder coating industry? Is it? Today we will make a simple analysis from the annual reports of three listed companies in the field of powder coatings listed on the NEEQ.

Performance comparison of listed companies in the field of powder coatings

(Summary description)
As domestic environmental protection policies become more and more stringent, the development space of the solvent-based coating industry is getting smaller and smaller, and many coating companies are gradually entering the powder coating industry, so how much profit space does the powder coating industry have? Is there no environmental protection problem in the powder coating industry? Is it? Today we will make a simple analysis from the annual reports of three listed companies in the field of powder coatings listed on the NEEQ.


As domestic environmental protection policies become more and more stringent, the development space of the solvent-based coating industry is getting smaller and smaller, and many coating companies are gradually entering the powder coating industry, so how much profit space does the powder coating industry have? Is there no environmental protection problem in the powder coating industry? Is it? Today we will make a simple analysis from the annual reports of three listed companies in the field of powder coatings listed on the NEEQ.