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One of the important additives of powder coating leveling agent

One of the important additives of powder coating leveling agent

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  • Time of issue:2020-12-16 14:42
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(Summary description) Leveling agent is one of the important additives in powder coatings. In powder coating formulations, leveling agents are added for high-gloss, glossy, semi-gloss, matte or matte powder coatings when a smooth and smooth film appearance is required. The function of the leveling agent is to form a monomolecular layer on the surface of the molten paint when the powder coating is melted and leveled to provide uniform surface tension, and at the same time, to provide good wettability between the powder coating and the coated object (workpiece), thereby Overcome the disadvantages of pinholes and shrinkage holes formed on the surface of the coating film due to uneven local surface tension. In addition, the leveling agent is beneficial to improve the leveling of the coating film, reduce the orange streak of the coating film, facilitate the dispersion of pigments and fillers, and facilitate degassing during film formation. The main components of the leveling agent are acrylate homopolymers and copolymers, silicone modified acrylate polymers, polysiloxanes, hydrogenated castor oil and butyral, etc. The addition amount is percent of the total formula 0.5-1.5, which can eliminate shrinkage and help improve the gloss of the coating film.

One of the important additives of powder coating leveling agent

(Summary description)
Leveling agent is one of the important additives in powder coatings. In powder coating formulations, leveling agents are added for high-gloss, glossy, semi-gloss, matte or matte powder coatings when a smooth and smooth film appearance is required. The function of the leveling agent is to form a monomolecular layer on the surface of the molten paint when the powder coating is melted and leveled to provide uniform surface tension, and at the same time, to provide good wettability between the powder coating and the coated object (workpiece), thereby Overcome the disadvantages of pinholes and shrinkage holes formed on the surface of the coating film due to uneven local surface tension. In addition, the leveling agent is beneficial to improve the leveling of the coating film, reduce the orange streak of the coating film, facilitate the dispersion of pigments and fillers, and facilitate degassing during film formation.

The main components of the leveling agent are acrylate homopolymers and copolymers, silicone modified acrylate polymers, polysiloxanes, hydrogenated castor oil and butyral, etc. The addition amount is percent of the total formula 0.5-1.5, which can eliminate shrinkage and help improve the gloss of the coating film.


Leveling agent is one of the important additives in powder coatings. In powder coating formulations, leveling agents are added for high-gloss, glossy, semi-gloss, matte or matte powder coatings when a smooth and smooth film appearance is required. The function of the leveling agent is to form a monomolecular layer on the surface of the molten paint when the powder coating is melted and leveled to provide uniform surface tension, and at the same time, to provide good wettability between the powder coating and the coated object (workpiece), thereby Overcome the disadvantages of pinholes and shrinkage holes formed on the surface of the coating film due to uneven local surface tension. In addition, the leveling agent is beneficial to improve the leveling of the coating film, reduce the orange streak of the coating film, facilitate the dispersion of pigments and fillers, and facilitate degassing during film formation.

The main components of the leveling agent are acrylate homopolymers and copolymers, silicone modified acrylate polymers, polysiloxanes, hydrogenated castor oil and butyral, etc. The addition amount is percent of the total formula 0.5-1.5, which can eliminate shrinkage and help improve the gloss of the coating film.