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Common terms for powder coatings and painting: common terms for powder coatings (2)

Dry Blend Material generally added into the final coating as a dry additive without any melting.   DFT  Dry Film Thickness. Depth of applied coating before curing.   Dry Flow The properties of a coating powder that relates to the ease of movement or transportation with air or vibration.  Dry Flow Additive  An additive that improves the properties of the coating in the powder state. It improves the free flowing characteristics (for better fluidisation or transporting via feed lines) along with the sieving.   Edge Coverage  The ability to flow over, build and adhere to the sharp corners, angles and edges of components.  Elasticity  The ability to recover from stretching.   Electrode  A metal filament within or at the end of a powder spray gun used to create air ions at high voltage to produce charged particles (Corona).   Electrostatic Charge This is a charge that is carried on the surface of an insulated object such as a powder particle. The charge can be generated by friction or applied by an external field or corona.   Electrostatic Deposition  A technique of moving and charging powder so that it is deposited on an earthed substrate.   Electrostatic Fluid Bed  A fluid bed equipped with an electrode grid to charge powder so that it is deposited on an earthed component

Common terms for powder coatings and painting: common terms for powder coatings (3)

Filter 滤芯 A filament designed to remove small particles from the air supply. 用于通过空气移除小粉末粒子的纤维。 Fines 超细粉 Small powder particles, Usually under 10 microns. 细小的粉末粒子,一般指10微米以下。 Fish Eyes 鱼眼 A larg

Common terms for powder coatings and painting: common terms for powder coatings (4)

Fan Pattern  Geometry or shape of the spray pattern.   Faraday Cage Effect A condition that may exist on a substrate due to its shape or configuration, that it may inhibit the electrostatic application of powder particles at the specific localised area, such as cavities and recesses.   Fatty Edge  Thick film sometimes found on heavy coated work, resulting in a rounded thicker coating on (usually) the lower edge. Sometimes called picture framing.   FDA Federal Food and Drug Administration. Feed Hopper  A container that holds the powder for the supply to the guns. Often designed to be fluidised.   Ferrous  Contains iron.   Filiform Corrosion  Corrosion or creep resembling a tread like structure under the coating, usually from a point of film breakdown or damage. Caused by poor or lack of pre-treatment.   Filler  Extender, bulking agent or inert pigment.   Film Build The coating thickness.   Film Integrity  Degree of continuity of a paint film.   Film Thickness  Depth of cured coatings, usually in microns or thousands of an inch.   Film Thickness Gauge  Instrument for measuring film thickness.   Film Weight The weight of powder applied. Also often used as a description of film thickness.  

Common terms for powder coatings and painting: common terms for powder coatings (5)

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